2022 Annual Meeting

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2022 Annual Meeting

Registration is not yet open. Registration will open up on , at .

If you wish to attend the meeting live or submit questions during the meeting, or submit questions before or during the meeting, or submit questions before the meeting, you will need to enter a valid control number (from your Proxy Card) or register with Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company at 917-262-2373 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting time. your name and email address.

Registration will allow you to submit questions before the meeting up to , at .

If you wish to attend the meeting live or ask questions during the meeting, you will need to enter a valid control number (from your Proxy Card).enter your name and email address below.

Register to attend the meeting

To register, fill out these fields including the Control Number from your Proxy Card.below.

Note: multiple systems are checked to validate your control number. Some systems are only available on the actual day of the meeting. If you have trouble pre-registering, please try again on the day of the meeting.

Registration is closed, if you have already registered, Log In to the meeting

To login, fill out these fields including the Control Number from your Proxy Card.below.

Register to attend the meeting

Enter your name and email below to register to attend the meeting. You can also enter an optional Control Number (from your proxy card) if you want the ability to submit questions.

Note: multiple systems are checked to validate your control number. Some systems are only available on the actual day of the meeting. If you have trouble pre-registering, please try again on the day of the meeting.

Registration is closed, if you have already registered, Log In to the meeting

To Log in, enter your name and email below.

Your IP Address has been banned. You have enter an incorrect control number too many times.

Dry Run meeting

This page is for review of format and content and also for a "dry run" of the Virtual Shareholder Meeting. The date and telephone access (if telephone was selected as an option) are for the dry run. The live meeting will have different date and phone codes. If you are a presenter for the dry run, look for an email with your access details and instructions.

Virtual Shareholder Meeting

Virtual Shareholder Meeting Replay

NOTE: replay capability will be disabled for the live meeting
The below replay will not exist on the production page as replay capability has been disabled. It is on this dry run only as a way to check audio quality.

Meeting is in progress, join at link below:

URL: https://register.proxypush.com/peg

Time Until Meeting:

This meeting is concluded.

Annual Meeting Replay (available soon)

The replay of the Annual Meeting will be available soon.

Annual Meeting Replay (no longer available)

The replay of the Annual Meeting is no longer available.

Meeting Date & Time

Meeting Date:
Meeting Time:

Participating in the Annual Meeting

If you are a shareholder of record (i.e., you hold your shares through our transfer agent, Equiniti), to register to participate in the virtual Annual Meeting please visit: https://register.proxypush.com/peg

  • Enter the 11 digit control number located in the upper right corner of your proxy card or voting instruction form.
  • You may also cast your vote by following the instructions on the website.

If you hold your shares through an intermediary, such as a bank or broker or other nominee, to register to participate in the virtual Annual Meeting please visit https://register.proxypush.com/peg

  • Enter the 16 digit control number located in the upper right corner of your proxy card or voting instruction form.
  • For voting during the Annual Meeting: If you are a beneficial owner, please note that you will not be able to vote your shares during the Annual Meeting without a legal proxy. You will need to ask your bank, broker, or other nominee to furnish you with a legal proxy. If you would like to vote at the Annual Meeting, you must send a copy of your legal proxy to EQSS-ProxyTabulation@equiniti.com. We encourage you to vote your shares in advance, even if you plan to attend the meeting.

Technical support, including related technical support phone numbers, will be available on the virtual meeting platform at https://register.proxypush.com/peg, beginning 30 minutes before the meeting start of , on , and continuing through the conclusion of the Annual Meeting. Otherwise call the Primary Investor Contact below.

Meeting Documents

Click here to review the Certified List of Record Holders

How to Ask Questions During the 2022 Annual Meeting

Additional information regarding the ability of shareholders to ask questions during the 2022 Annual Meeting, related rules of conduct are available here:

Click here to read the Rules for Conduct of Meeting.

Annual Meeting Voting

YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO VOTE YOUR SHARES IN ADVANCE OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS. If voting in advance of the Annual Meeting, the steps required to cast your votes are the same as indicated in the materials you received with the proxy statement. You may vote via the Internet or by telephone (see below). You may also mark, sign and date your proxy card and return it in the postage-paid envelope provided in time to be received by the date indicated on the proxy card.

Proposals Board Recommendation

Voting Methods for Stockholders of Record


1-866-883-3382 (toll free)

EQ Shareowner Services
P.O. Box 64945
St. Paul, MN 55164-0945

Primary Investor Contact

Transfer Agent

Please contact the Call Center at 1-800-242-0813 or visit shareowneronline.com for more details.

Technical Support

For technical support for this virtual meeting, contact Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company at 917-262-2373

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